Useful bridal makeup tips for brides on their wedding day.
The makeup can be difficult thing especially if you’re going to do it on the day of your wedding. Some couples are on a tight budget and can not afford to hire a makeup specialist. Well, then you can use these great Bridal makeup tips to get the desired look. You should buy quality mineral makeup that can last all day, especially with the lipstick.
Just get the right bridal makeup using these makeup tips. It begins with the choice of foundation. Choose one that is almost the same color as your complexion. Try it on side of your jaw for 2-3 strokes and if it goes well, you have found the right color. If you have bags under your eyes, you can lighten the color by applying on the base before applying the foundation.
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Don’t use a color that is lighter your skin color, because your face might look more muddy or gray. Create a smooth shade. To make sure that the fundation will not come out, press a folded tissue paper on your face to get rid of excess oil. This can preserve the basis of several hours. Now brush the powder using a large bristle brush. The next thing is to use the blush on. Apply it on your cheeks and then you can spread it with a sponge . Next apply the lipstick. Powder your lips and apply a lip line using lip pencil, powder again, then apply the lipstick again.
Brush your eyebrows. Apply a shining bright cream on the brow bone, on the corners of the eyes, and above / below the eye lashes. Eyes should look as neutral as possible. Now line the eyelashes with black or brown pencil. Use a waterproof mascara to avoid smudging as it could drip when you cry in your wedding. Follow these tips to make your wedding day memorable. Before attempting this on your wedding day try the above steps few times so that you become familiar.