Natural Winter Skin Care
In winter season the skin becomes dry and rough. Oily skin people is little safer in winter season. There will be more negative effects, if you are having naturally dry skin. The face, lips and body skin becomes drier and they feel very discomfort during winter season. This page Natural Winter Skin Care Tips suggest you some tips and care in winter season. You can get remedy and some natural advice for Dry Skin problem in Children.
Natural Winter Skin Care Tips 1: One of the best natural skin care tips is using oranges for dry skin remedy treatment. The combination of honey and orange can give an excellent result not only for dry skin people but also for oily skin teen angers. Oranges are available more in winter cold season. Oranges are the sources of vitamin A and C. the beauticians and dietitians always advice that eating oranges regularly can turn your skin glowing. Olive oil massage before bath is a natural winter skin care for children below 5 years.
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Natural Winter Skin Care Tips 2: The beauty specialists say that drinking more water in winter season can improve the oil content of your skin. In addition to drink more water in winter, application of orange peel and honey mixture to your skin prevent skin drying naturally. Take 2 or 3 orange peel; make it dry by using sunlight. Powder it and mix orange peel powder with milk cream, apply for your skin. Leave it for half an hour and take bath in usual manner.
Natural Winter Skin Care Tips 3: Natural winter skin care tips for dry skin is to retain the oil content of your skin, drink lemon juice daily. Instead of adding sugar add 2tsp of honey for juice preparation. Avoid using rose water in winter season. This will make your skin drier. Make a paste of tomato and curd, add 2tsp of olive oil and apply for your dry skin to get rid of skin cracks in winter. This is the best natural winter skin care advice suggested by beauticians.