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Slim Fast Tips and Diet for Girls

Slim Tips for Girls

Slim Tips for Girls

The dream of teenage girls is slim body, not only for young age it is the expectation of all age group people. Girls in young age do fasting in the name of some body slim tips. This is not good and not at all advised by the Dietitians. These types of tips to get slim ideas cause negative reaction on your body, both mentally and physically. Our body needs a balance diet which includes protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, calcium, iron and other minerals. The above mentioned diet is very important for all age group people especially for teenagers. The intake of food is measured in calories. Calories need differ from person to person according to the age and work.  This page slim fast tips and diet for girls give an idea about your calories need.

Tips for Slim Body Related to Your Calories Intake

At young age girls need calories to cope up with the hormonal changes. Teenage girls in 13-18 need approximately 2,200 calories, here I have given some slim fast diet tips and ideas to add calories to your daily without damaging your health.

  • Pulses and nuts can be added to foods with meals.
  • Eat less fat foods like Almond, cashew nuts and Padam.
  • Add more preference to fruits in your daily diet.
  • Add always germinated seeds with your meal.

Body Slim Tips for Your Protein Intake

Protein is a very important nutrient needed during adolescent age.  If you follow any slim body tips by omitting protein completely in your diet can cause some health problems like low immunity, reduced growth, low hormonal and enzyme secretion.  Slim fast tips and diet for girls advised you to take 50 grams of protein daily.

Protein Rich Slim Fast Diet

  • Take 1 cup of any sprouted gram and an egg.
  • Drink a1/2 lit of milk daily.
  • Fish, nuts and grains are protein rich diets.
  • Soyabean is the best source of protein.

 Iron Rich Slim Fast Diet

  • Eat 100 grams of lettuce or spinach daily.
  • Instead of adding sugar to tea or coffee, add Jaggery with all drink including    milk.
  • It is the best source of Iron.
  • Add dry fruits like raisin and dates with your diet
  • Eat vitamin C rich gooseberry, guava and lemon in the form of juice.
  • Practicing iron rich food in your daily diet is one of the best tips to be slim.

Need of Calcium Diet in Tips for Slim

  • Calcium helps to get healthy bones and teeth.
  • Drink cow’s milk everyday.
  • Have spinach rich diet every day.
  • Ragi and sesame are the sources of calcium. Include these regularly in your food preparation.

The most important tips to become slim are eat less high-fat, oily, canned and packed food items. If you follow the slim fast tips and diet for girls procedure to get slim body fast.

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